Price and payment procedure

1. VizaOilGroup is not a PVN tax payer, therefore in our online store all prices for goods are indicated with this fact in mind, i.e. without value added tax on the basis of LR legislation. The buyer, who confirms the order according to the order form, agrees to pay for the goods at the current price.

2. In addition to the price of the goods, the buyer shall also pay for the delivery of the goods, if necessary. By confirming the order in accordance with the order form, the buyer agrees to the amount and payment of the applicable delivery price indicated therein. The buyer is obliged to cover the costs of delivery if the goods are not delivered to the buyer due to his/her fault (if the buyer was not in the specified place at the specified time), as well as the costs of re-delivery, if necessary.

3. The payment for the goods can be made by bank transfer, cash payment on site (in the office), upon receipt of the goods or payment in accordance with the invoice submitted by SIA VizaOilGroup, in due time by transferring money to the specified bank account.

4. Payment for the purchase of goods is confirmed by a payment document (payment order, cashier's check, receipt). In case the buyer has paid by bank transfer, the day of payment shall be the day when the payment is received on the bank account of SIA VizaOilGroup.
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