5.50 / 12.60
- Avocado consumption improves memory and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
- Regular consumption of avocado oil elevates mood, improves performance, energizes and helps to cope with psycho-emotional disorders such as insomnia, headaches and the like.
- It enhances potency in men, relieves frigidity in women and in some cases can cure some forms of infertility.
Vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B9, D, lecithin, saturated fatty acids, phytosteroids, essential oils, chlorophyll, squalene, amino acid histidine, and many useful macro and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, zinc, iodine, cobalt, copper, etc.).
- Avocado oil can be used pure, for facial massage, masks, applications, and enrichment of cosmetic products (10 drops of oil are added to every 10g of cream, lotion or tonic).
- Cosmetic masks with avocado oil are used to eliminate dryness and flabbiness of the skin, as well as to eliminate many other skin problems (inflammation, irritation, skin diseases). It is enough to simply smear the oil on the face, and after 30-40 minutes remove its excess with a paper napkin. If skin problems are very pronounced, such masks are recommended to do twice a day.
- You can also use pure avocado oil for skin care around the eyes
- In addition, undiluted avocado oil for the face can be used instead of restoring night cream, used as a fat base for self-preparation of natural creams, and added (1 teaspoon each) to any mixture of homemade masks
- Avocado oil can be safely included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women and children.
Attention! When using oils for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
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