Calendula oil.
A small amount of oil should be applied to cleansed face skin 1-2 times a day. For best results, it is recommended to make a light massage for 5-15 minutes. To treat dandruff, the oil is applied to the scalp with intense massage movements and left for 3-4 hours (can be overnight).

Use oil from marigolds can be used to massage the feet - it perfectly softens the skin and prevents the appearance of cracks. If you apply the oil to your feet after peeling with a pumice stone, your heels will stay soft and smooth much longer.

In the cold season you can apply a few drops of oil on your face and the back of your hands before leaving the house - no cream will protect your skin from frost and cold wind. After washing dishes, cleaning and other household chores calendula oil will save the delicate skin of hands from irritation, dryness and cracks. For intensive nourishment, you can generously apply the oil to your hands before going to bed and wear special gloves.
Marigold flowers or marigolds are one of the most popular remedies in folk medicine. Decoctions, infusions and ointments from this plant are used for diseases of the skin, mouth, digestive system and even genitals. Calendula oil is also used in cosmetology, which has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and moisturizing agent. Buy the oil in our store, and you will provide yourself with effective skin care at home!

In cosmetology calendula oil is used for:
- lightening age spots;
- treat acne;
- healing cracks on the lips, hands and feet;
- softening nail cuticles;
- cleansing pores;
- moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin; treating dandruff.
Attention! When using oils for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
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