Vitis vinifera (grape seed oil), essential oil of rosmatinus officialis (medicinal rosemary), Juniperus communis (juniper berry oil), Piper nigrum fruit oil (black pepper oil), vitamin E.
When bathing or bathing, 10ml can be added to the water.
Store in a dark and cool place. For external use only. Should not be used during pregnancy.
It is intended for sports massage before and after training, competition or hard work of active people. SPORTS MASSAGE OIL helps to prepare, warm up muscles before physical exertion, improves microcirculation, alleviates pain symptoms after exertion.
It can be used for muscle groups that have received maximum physical exertion. This is a natural source of Omega 3,6,9 fatty acids, antioxidants, many biologically active substances, vitamin E., which 100% will get into your body through the skin and (unlike conventional massage oils) will be absorbed by your cells with pleasure, and as a bonus the skin will make smooth, elastic and soft. . Ideal for all skin types. Allow the oil to remain on the skin for 6-12 hours before showering or bathing.

Great as a bath oil or shower oil!
Attention! When using oils for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
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