Peppermint essential oil is extracted from the castings by the method of disarticulation.
Bath, sauna, aroma lamps, aromaculons, inhalation, massage.
Peppermint oil helps with colds: it eases breathing, quickly relieves coughing fits and reduces fever. Massage with peppermint oil helps with bruises, arthritis, frostbite, pain arising from overexertion and fungal skin lesions. Nail fungus disappears faster when you add drops of peppermint oil to the therapeutic ointment. The recommended dosage of peppermint essential oil should be observed, as excessive abuse during inhalation may cause bronchospasm or heart pain.
In non-traditional practices, peppermint is considered a means of renewing the energy of the human body. It gives clarity of mind by stimulating the brain (basil and rosemary also have a similar effect). In apathy tonifies, and in hysteria, on the contrary, calms. The desired result is achieved by dosage. Peppermint essential oil has analgesic, expectorant, antibacterial, vasodilator, antifungal properties. Relieves painful spasms of the heart and head, improves memory and concentration. Effective to use in flatulence and diarrhea.
- With the addition of peppermint oil you can carry out warm inhalations. Drip 2-4 drops of oil into water. The duration of the procedure is not more than 5 minutes.

- With peppermint oil you can take hot baths, to do this, add 2-6 drops of oil to the water. In the sauna you can also inhale healing vapors, dripping 2-4 drops, depending on the area.

- Massages and compresses with peppermint oils are also very useful for the body. In pure form, apply the oil to the skin is not worth it. Add to the base cosmetic oil 4-6 drops. You can add the oil to the basic cream for cosmetic purposes, about 6 drops per 15 grams of cream.

- Peppermint essential oil is applied to the tooth for pain 1-2 drops, or to the temples for headaches.

- Aromalamps about 4-6 drops in water.
Aromaculons apply the oil 2 drops at a time.
Attention! When using oils for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
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